A unique hike located in Clementi Forest with abandoned railway tracks, secret tunnels and crossings over muddy streams.

So you might have found out about the Clementi Forest from this FPV drone video or this video, or even this video (below):

Isn’t it amazing this raw and undeveloped gem still exists in Singapore, isn’t in an ulu location and only recently got on our radar? The cool thing is, more than just the forest, there’s also a track that leads to other cool stuff along the way.

Hiking Clementi Forest in Singapore

If you’re up for some mud on your shoes, climbing over and under fallen trees while being surrounded by a luscious forest (something we don’t see often in Singapore), this is a pretty rewarding hike to check out.

Read also: 2D1N Guide to Camping in Pulau Ubin

There are a few starting points but if you’re looking to cover the main highlights, we’ve bashed through some paths, detoured a bunch to discover the best route.

Distance: ~2km
Time: ~1.5hrs
Difficulty: 3/5

Map of TTI's Clementi Forest Route

*Note: This area isn’t regulated by NParks and the land can be prone to soil erosion. Do take extra caution when crossing the soft muddy patches!

1) Starting Point: Opposite Ngee Ann Poly

Starting Point of Hike - Oppsite Ngee Ann Poly Bus Stop

Public Transport: The closest MRT is King Albert Park Station. From here, it’s a 15-minute walk or three bus stops (bus 74, 151, 154) to the starting point — Opp Ngee Ann Poly bus stop.

Drivers: For free parking, you can check out the residential area behind King Albert Park MRT. From the MRT, follow the directions above to get to Opp Ngee Ann Poly. Otherwise, you could park at King Albert Park Mall ($1.60/hr).

Alternatively, you could also park at the finishing point — Sunset Way. It’s also three bus stops away. You can take buses 52, 61, 74, 154 or 184 — stop at Ngee Ann Poly and cross the overhead bridge.

Behind the bus stop is a canal and also the entry point into the forest.

Canal starting point of Clementi Forest

You can walk on either side of the canal — on the left side, the growth is a lot lower and the path is quite beaten so chances are, you won’t lose your way.

Star of Clementi Forest Hike

If you want a little more adventure, you could take the right side too — but expect to be engulfed by towering plants in some segments (yeap, we tried both).

Bashing through tall plants in Clementi Forest

There’s a faint path below but tends to be flooded with mud and can be ankle deep.

2) Clementi Forest

Hikers in Clementi Forest Singapore-1

On the left, there isn’t a lot of shade and can get quite hot in the afternoon — this was taken at 7AM, while the plants are still dewy and the air is the freshest!

Crossing river streams

If you took the left (recommended path), look out for an opening on the right towards a small stream after ~200m. It’s fairly easy to hop over from the higher to lower ground but if you’re not confident, just step your feet in firmly. Your shoes might be dirty but your ankle will be in tact!

3) Red Metal Beams (just off the Green Corridor)

Red beams off Green Corridor - Singapore Clementi Forest

After crossing the stream, walk up the slope until you see a T-section. The left side goes to these red beam (pictured above and below). The right side goes straight to the train tracks (which we’ll come back to later on).

Red Beams in Clementi Forest Just off Green Corridor in Singapore

Not sure what purpose these beams used to serve. If you know, let me know in the comments section below!


If you see the Green Corridor, you’ve gone out too far, try to back track until you see an opening beside these barriers (which might not be there the next time you’re here).

Construction marker towards red beams from the Green Corridor

When you’re done, return to the track, you should pass through this wooden log.

Log on route of Clementi Forest Hike in Singapore

Look out for an opening on your left (where the white patch is on the floor, pictured below). This is the entrance to the railway.

Split Route to Green Corridor and Railway Tracks

Going straight will lead you back to Clementi forest.

4) Muddy Railway Tracks

Entrance into the railway tracks - Clementi Forest Hike

Once you turn left, you should see an opening towards the old railway tracks. It’s not hard to spot.

Muddy path beside railway tracks - Hiking the forest in Clementi in Singapore

You might be able to walk along the track at the start but it gets muddier later on (like thigh deep at some point), so we recommend using the elevated route on the left side of the track.

Hiking through abandoned railways tracks in Clementi Forest

Can you spot the old tracks on the right?

Downhill climb towards railway tracks - Hiking Clementi Forest in Singapore-19

After ~10-15 minutes, look out for these vertical metal barriers. That’s your marker to return to the tracks.

Girl hiking into tunnel at Clementi Forest in Singapore

Just a short walk from there, you’ll see the tunnel.

5) Tunnel Under (Opposite Maju Camp) Bus Stop

Iconic Tunnel on Clementi Forest Hiking Trail

Congrats, your first pit stop! If you’re super tired at this point, civilisation isn’t far. In fact there’s a bus stop just above the tunnel so you can leave from here.

Tunnel Under Bus stop Opp Maju Camp - Hiking Clementi Forest in Singapore

If you’re up for a little more — get through the tunnel to the other end.

6) Follow the tracks to Sunset Way

Railway tracks in Clementi Forest that leads to Sunset Way

The path from here on is fairly straightforward and it takes less than 15 minutes to reach Sunset Way where there’s lots of food options to reward yourself!

One of the things I love about hiking is discovering our own path. So if you’re up for some fun, don’t be afraid to stray off this suggested route and who knows, you might find more gems!

Hope this Clementi Forest guide was helpful! If you love these guides to discovering the outdoors in Singapore, let us know in the comments section below!

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Cherie Sim
Most accurately described as a restless adventurer, always seeking new highs be it on a rock wall, falling out of a propeller plane or bombing down a snow slope. Occasionally writes for thetravelintern.com. Also co-founder of The Travel Intern.


  1. Thank you for the guide. I just went today and really enjoy the hike. I followed your guide and discovered some new paths too.

  2. Clear and comprehensive coverage of the trail!

    It would be better if the date of your visits are indicated, so that the public may have an idea of how much they can still see and experience should they decide to venture there

  3. A WhatsApp or Discord group would be great to plan and trek to other fantastic places @ Cherie Sim . I generally trek with my 10 yo and it’s super fun . We appreciate nature

  4. I guess we’ve been to all the big and medium sizes parks and done all their trails since we arrived in SG end of 2021 at least once. This is the only one we know of which is truly “off the beaten track”. Really cool. Be prepared to get dirty 🙂


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